Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Square Foot Gardening

Well, I finally got my garden planted. This square foot gardening is the slickest thing. I can't imagine gardening any other way. Maleah is having a lot of fun helping with it too. My husband is even helping. Hallelujah! We planted tomatoes, peppers, marigolds, carrots, beans, basil, onions and cucumbers. I ran out of room in the square foot box, so I started some container planting of lettuce and spinach. I need to get more soil and containers to plant even more spinach and lettuce since I am using those two things almost daily for my green smoothies. I can save a ton of money by growing them myself.


Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

Mara--tell me more about this square foot gardening. I promise to try a green smoothie this week!

Lucky said...

your garden looks so awesome! i am having a really hard time this year. i've heard about the sq. ft. garden but somehow didnt try it - glad u did and thanks for the pics!